Saving and loading a project
At exiting from the LWW program, the user is prompted to save the current status of the project. When saving of the project is done for the first time, the user is prompted by a standard Windows save dialogues to give the names of the three files which allow the program to be restarted at the point of saving the program status last time. These files contain the information about the vibrational states in the Energy file (Vibrational states save dialog), branches defined by the user in the project (Branches save dialog), and assignments in all branches (Assignments save dialog), respectively. When there are not yet any branches and/or assignments in the project, the blank files are not written to the disk and the save dialog will ask for their names again. Saving of the program status can be also done any time during the work by choosing Save Project item from File menu of the LWW program. Once these files are created, the Save Project action writes all three mentioned files automatically (in the .csv format) and creates backup files from the previously saved status with the same names and .cs0 extension.